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This Revision History summarizes the changes made to the Checklist over time. The most recent changes are at the top. It uses Jay Finley Christ's standard four-letter abbreviations for the Holmes story titles, as noted on the Abbreviations List page. It also uses the identification code numbers listed on the Checklist for each reproduced item.
- REDC-099 added item and appearance in Mandate for Murder
- SIGN-103 added appearance in Sotheby catalogue 1996
- SOLI-101 added appearance in Baker Street Journal Winter 2005
- SOLI-112 added item and appearance in Baker Street Journal Winter 2005
- STUD-112 added appearance in The New Annotated Sherlock Holmes
- 3GAR-101 added item and appearance in Christie's catalogue 1989
- 3STU-101 added item and appearance in Sir Arthur Conan Doyle Sesquicentennial…
- VALL-101 added appearance in The New Annotated Sherlock Holmes
- EMPT-112 confirmed and revised citation in Back to Baker Street
- EMPT-113 confirmed and revised citation in Back to Baker Street
- EMPT-114 confirmed and revised citation in Back to Baker Street
- MISS-101 confirmed and revised citation in The Light is Dark Enough…
- CHAS-101 added appearance in Sotheby catalogue 1999
- CHAS-102 added item and appearance in Sotheby catalogue 1999
- CHAS-104 added item and appearance in Sotheby catalogue 1999
- FINA-111 added appearance in First Hundred Years…
- FINA-111 added appearance in Magic Door 2004
- MISS-101 added appearance in The Light is Dark Enough…
- REDC-101 added appearance in First Hundred Years…
- REDC-101 added appearance in Magic Door 2004
- REIG-102 added item and appearance in Christie's catalogue 2004
- SECO-101 added item and appearance in American Art Association catalogue 1922
- SECO-101 added appearance in Studies in Scarlet
- SECO-115 added item and appearance in Studies in Scarlet
- SIXN-099 added item and appearance in BSI Manuscript Series
- SOLI-100 added item and appearance in Sotheby catalogue 2004
- SOLI-101 added appearance in Sotheby catalogue 2004
- SOLI-104 added item and appearance in Sotheby catalogue 2004
- STUD-111 added appearance in Autograph Collector 2004
- STUD-111 added appearance in Studies in Scarlet
- STUD-111 added appearance in World of Sherlock Holmes by Fido
- STUD-112 added appearance in Christie's catalogue 2004
- SUSS-101 added item and appearance in Christie's catalogue 2004
- SUSS-101 added appearance in Christie's NY catalogue 2004
- SUSS-102 added item and appearance in Christie's NY catalogue 2004
- SUSS-104 added item and appearance in Christie's NY catalogue 2004
- VALL-111 added appearance in Murderland
- VALL-117 added appearance in Murderland
- VALL-118 added item and appearance in Murderland
- VALL-119 added item and appearance in Murderland
- VALL-120 added item and appearance in Murderland
- DYIN-901 Christie's 1966 confirmed, updated and categorized as DYIN-101
- HOUN-903 Sotheby's 1996 confirmed, updated and categorized as HOUN-120
- SECO-113 Clarified sequence of text within reproductions
- SOLI-103 Peck article re-categorized as SOLI-101
- STUD-103 No reproduction in interior of Murray 1930 Memories and Adventures
- VALL-117 clarified appearance in Biblioctopus Catalog 12
- Added new page listing reproductions available on the Internet
- EMPT-101 added item and appearance in Back to Baker Street
- EMPT-112 added item and appearance in Back to Baker Street
- EMPT-113 added item and appearance in Back to Baker Street
- EMPT-114 added item and appearance in Back to Baker Street
- FINA-111 added appearance in Lilly Library online exhibit
- MAZA-101 added item and appearance in Sotheby catalogue 1991
- MAZA-111 added item and appearance in Sotheby catalogue 1991
- REDC-101 added appearance in Lilly Library online exhibit
- REDC-102 added item and appearance in Lilly Library online exhibit
- SIGN-103 added appearance on Redmond's Sherlockian.Net website
- CHAS-901 Milvertonians card confirmed, updated and categorized as CHAS-101
- HOUN-115 revised citation credit on BSI Manuscript Series
- PRIO-101 Pepper & Stern Epstein catalogue examined and updated
- CARD-111 added appearance in Sherlock Holmes Journal, Summer 1980
- GREE-101 added appearance in Antiquarian Bookman, February 22, 1965
- GREE-101 added appearance in Christie's catalogue (London – 18 December 1964)
- HOUN-116 added appearance in The Magic Door Summer 2002
- HOUN-117 added item and appearance in The Magic Door Summer 2002
- REDC-101 added appearance in Scribner's Catalogue Number 126
- SCAN-101 added appearance in Antiquarian Bookman, February 22, 1965
- SHOS-099 added item and appearance in The Adventure Of Shoscombe Abbey
- SIGN-111 added item and appearance in New York Times 1996
- STUD-111 added appearance in SHJ: A Study in Scarlet Centenary Special
- STUD-111 added appearance in Encyclopedia Sherlockiana
- GOLD-104 confirmed mistaken De Waal citation
- HOUN-116 examined and updated appearance in Nightmare: The Birth of Horror
- HOUN-901 Distinguished Library… examined, updated and categorized as HOUN-118
- HOUN-902 Collection of Dr. James Bliss Austin examined, updated and categorized as HOUN-119
- MISS-902 Tourist Guide confirmed, updated and categorized as MISS-101
- PRIO-901 Epstein card confirmed, updated and categorized as PRIO-101
- SCAN-902 Texas Monthly examined, updated and categorized as SCAN-101
- STUD-111 noted no reproduction in original French version of Pierre Nordon's Conan Doyle
- STUD-901 Sir Arthur Conan Doyle Archives examined, updated and categorized as STUD-111
- VALL-901 Biblioctopus examined, updated and categorized as new VALL-117
- Angels-111 added item and appearance in BSI Manuscript Series
- CARD-111 added appearance in The Original Illustrated ACD
- DYIN-101 added appearance in Case Files of Sherlock Holmes
- DYIN-111 added item and appearance in Case Files of Sherlock Holmes
- HOUN-115 added item and appearance in BSI Manuscript Series
- HOUN-116 added item and appearance in Nightmare: The Birth of Horror
- HOUN-902 added item and appearance in Pepper & Stern: Austin Collection Catalogue
- HOUN-903 added item and appearance in Sotheby's NY 29 October 1996
- PRIO-101 added appearance in Pepper & Stern: Epstein Collection Catalogue
- STUD-103 added cross-reference to Angels-111
- BLAC-901 Scandalous Bohemians examined, updated and categorized as new BLAC-101
- FINA-901 Baker Street Gasogene examined, updated and categorized as FINA-111
- GOLD-101 Strand December 1924 updated with info on article reprint
- SCAN-901 Min Kaere Watson examined, updated and categorized as SCAN-101
- SECO-901 Serpentine examined, updated and categorized as SECO-113
- STUD-906 Memories and Adventures examined, updated and categorized as STUD-111
- VALL-111 Austin's Sherlockian Studies examined and updated
- New format for the Checklist. Got rid of tables for wider browser compatibility and to increase download speeds.
- Replaced many acronyms with full text to address a wider reading audience.
- Used new Baker Street Journal CD ROM to confirm and expand details on several items.
- HOUN-114 added item and appearance in Pepper 1989 catalogue #25
- LAST-102 added appearance in Christie's March 28, 1984
- REDC-101 added appearance in Dictionary of Literary Biography 18
- STUD-111 added appearance in Dictionary of Literary Biography 70
- STUD-111 added appearance in A Study in Southsea
- STUD-111 added appearance in A Study in Surmise
- STUD-112 added item and appearance in Carr's Life of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
- THOR-101 added item and appearance in Baker Street Miscellanea Summer 1981
- THOR-101 added appearance in Christie's April 29, 1981
- VALL-101 added appearance in Sotheby NY 15 June 1990
- VALL-101 added appearance in Sotheby Preview
- VALL-114 added item and appearance in Sotheby NY 15 June 1990
- VALL-115 added item and appearance in Sotheby NY 15 June 1990
- VALL-116 added item and appearance in Sotheby NY 15 June 1990
- VALL-901 added item and appearance in Biblioctopus
- CARD-111 Strand (NY) examined and verified
- FINA-902 Baker Street Journal June 1962 examined, updated and categorized as FINA-111
- GOLD-103 Strand Dec 1924 re-categorized under GOLD-101
- GOLD-901 deleted; Redmond's El Dieff 1969 citation almost certainly refers to GOLD-104 Seventy appearance
- GOLD-902 Seventy examined, updated and categorized as new GOLD-104
- GREE-901 Christie's May 5, 1982 examined, updated and categorized as GREE-111
- LADY-901 Christie's October 21, 1977 examined, updated and categorized as LADY-101
- MISS-901 Baker Street Journal Jan 1955 examined, updated and categorized as MISS-101
- PRIO-099 published facsimile description revised to note original written on one side only
- PRIO-902 Sotheby's February 28, 1974 examined, updated and categorized as PRIO-101
- REDC-103 and all appearances re-categorized under REDC-101
- SCAN-903 Strand Oct 1946 examined, updated and categorized as SCAN-101
- STUD-902 Baker Street Journal Dec 1962 examined, updated and categorized as STUD-111
- STUD-903 Baker Street Journal March 1969 examined, updated and categorized as STUD-111
- STUD-904 In the Footsteps of Sherlock Holmes examined, updated and categorized as STUD-111
- STUD-906 updated for some other editions of Memories and Adventures
- STUD-907 Private Life of Sherlock Holmes (1933) examined, updated and categorized as STUD-111
- VALL-101 description revised to reflect longer version of opening page
- First edition of the checklist
Vers. 2.0ax-RN Original work
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