The Best of Sherlock Holmes


The Untold Tales of Sherlock Holmes:
A List of Major Case References

By Randall Stock


How many unreported cases are mentioned in the Holmes stories?  As with so many things it depends on your definitions.


Some of the untold tales are crimes or mysteries but don't involve Holmes at all.  In others he is consulted but doesn't actively participate.  For some cases it's just not clear whether or not he was involved.  Holmes probably played little part in at least 30 of the untold tales mentioned in the stories.


It's also sometimes difficult to judge whether certain events constitute a separate "case" or should be considered part of a larger investigation.  For example, Professor Moriarty's "little trip" allowed Holmes to start weaving a net around the entire gang.  Is this part of "The Final Problem" or is it a separate untold tale?


While there are more than 100 unreported cases mentioned in the Holmes stories, the following 61 untold tales are probably the most colorful ones involving Holmes.  This list was also used in the poll to rank the most interesting untold tales, which determined the Top 10 Untold Tales of Sherlock Holmes.


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